Friday, August 15, 2014

TRAVEL WITH AS NOW !                              -hotel name : ad place venice           -  4 stars                                                        -    link :                                                                   - hotel name : Albego Quatteo fontane hotel                                                 - 4 stars                                                                  link:                     - hotel name : bauer palladio hotel & spa                                                                       - 5 stars                                                                 link:


This is where we go crazy and we take our trumpets! There are many reasons why we choose (at least according to us), but here are a few: 

We are an Irish company that has built and developed here and operating in adventure tourism and hospitality in Ireland for over 30 years now. 

Everyone involved in the company have traveled extensively both here and abroad and are true adventurers! Yet all of us have chosen to return to this remote and enchanting part of the world to live, work and start a family because we just love and can not bear to be far from here. 

We know our journey, our hosting suppliers, taxi drivers, guides and we make sure we know them well. We have developed relationships with these people and when it comes to our roads, we are still exploring, refining, search and improve because that's what we love to do and we do it well . 

We offer a personalized service. We know your name and we will not be shy to use them. It's important to us that you have the best vacation and we are well known for exceeding expectations. We also firmly believe that it is the little things that count and we put a lot of effort into them. When we ask our customers after their stay their opinions, these are the things that they still mention and again. 

We may have had a little help over the years from one of the most enchanting landscape that will make you stop on the road the sun is shining or raining. The coastline of this rugged and remote region is inspiring and has attracted poets, writers, painters and dreamers for centuries. The story was all around us and the way of life and the traditions of a warm welcome were never lost. 

On a more practical level, we take care of the hassle of staying in organizing and planning the details for you, but we know also melt into the background once you started on your path so that you have always the freedom and independence you want.

      Why people travel   !?

Can you imagine what life without traveling? Is it possible? Whatever your reason is, traveling is a part of people's lives. We all travel. The reason is you. 

There are different reasons why people travel :. 

1) Most people travel because they want to see their families and friends who live far away. Invitations to family and friends are seldom so you will decide to travel just to see them. 

2) People travel because they want to see their soul mates. Some people believe that there is only one person for them and if they have not had much luck searching in their area, they realized that even though there are millions of people around the world, they can find them in the other place. 

3) People travel to seek work because they want to experience how to work in another place. We must admit that making money is difficult and some people choose to work abroad because they seek greener pastures. Other place pays bigger than their own place rates. We may also say that their skills are not favorable for them. Unfortunately, they must leave their families for a time of job opportunities abroad. 

4) People travel because they want to learn about other cultures. They want to see the difference between their culture and other cultures. They want to learn other culture because for them traveling is fun while learning. One particular thing about the culture is the food. They want to know how the food is prepared and how it is made. Obviously, we all love to eat. 

5) People travel because they are writers. They want to give readers the article to their readers especially when they do a story in that particular place. 

6) People travel because they want to see all the beautiful scenery of different countries. Others would take pictures because it serves as souvenirs. 

7) When the opportunity arises, it is difficult to decide whether to let your family and start a business from afar you. Some businessmen rather would put business elsewhere because they want to win and it is more profitable than staying in their place. Business is nothing without profit. 

Traveling is not just for rich people. Whether you are poor or middle class, you can travel as long as it fits your budget. Some travel for their goals, some travel for fun and relaxation and some travel experience.                

  • 7 Reasons Why, Exactly, You Should Travel
Let’s face it: traveling takes planning, is expensive and, depending on where you’re going and who you’re going with, can be a little nerve-wracking. Your Facebook feed may be giving you wanderlust — what with that one rich friend posting an endless stream of cocktail-clinking photos in Mykonos — but to take the plunge yourself, to say, “Looks like it’s time to leave my comfort zone for a while,” is still a serious decision.
  • Nonetheless, it’s one of the best decisions you can make. There are always a million reasons not to do something, so when it comes to hopping in that plane, train or automobile and leaving behind what you know for however long, be it one week or one decade, there are many truly great reasons for why you should indeed start packing your bags. After all, there are certain things about yourself, about others, and about life that you can only learn once you’ve lost yourself in a far away place. Bon Voyage!

1. To Become a Child Again

Whether you want to or not, visiting or living in a new place will force you to become a child again. There will be sputtering and confusion over local dialects (I say “dialect” instead of “language” because I definitely do not speak the same English as someone in northern England), and even simple daily tasks like, say, grocery shopping, can prove anywhere from slightly odd to totally bewildering: Why is milk not refrigerated in France? Why am I being sold a totally intact creature – feathers, eyes and all — when I ask to buy duck in New Guinea? Like applying a sort of anti-aging potion, living abroad takes you back to basics: making new friends, finding your way around, and, perhaps most importantly, getting to decide who you want to be. As the poet Randall Jarrell said, “One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child.” Traveling disrupts that equation, allowing even the most mature grownups to tap into their adolescence.

2. Time Slows Down Drastically

Think about that odd feeling in which the trip to your destination seems infinitely longer than the trip back. Once we’ve grown accustomed to a place, our minds flicker elsewhere, uninterested in the journey itself. When we live and travel abroad, every little nuance — the cracks in the sidewalk, the smell of fresh pastries, the wide horizon in the distance — all seem new. The little things seem to engross us and demand our attention, elongating our sense of time. It’s impossible not to feel that life has slowed when we’re somewhere foreign because we savor each minute, using each of our senses to their fullest to appreciate and negotiate the differences we find. Constant newness can be tiring, sure, but time is infinitely valuable, and to have the ability to seemingly extend it, well, that’s something everyone should take advantage of.

3. New Personality Traits Arise

When I speak French (or, rather, when I try my best to speak French), I become a better listener and more reflective. Now that’s somewhat due to the fact that rambling off a slew of sentences in a non-maternal language usually comes with a few embarrassing errors, but it’s also indicative of a general shift in personality. In France, I’m way less into sports, happier on my own, a more prolific reader, and more understanding of others. This personality shift occurs whenever we travel, allowing us to find traits within ourselves that we might want to tease out and explore once we’re back home. A study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology reported that studying and living abroad changes personality for the better (e.g. greater kindness, emotional stability, openness, agreeableness), so don’t think that a trip to Florence will somehow bring out the evil side of you that you never knew existed. It might, however, show you that you’re more of an extrovert than you thought or that you’re immensely passionate about, say, painting and sculpting. You’ll never know until you go.

4. To Learn to be Alone

There are few things more important than learning how to be happy by yourself. If you’re horribly uncomfortable alone and unsure what to do without guidance, life can quickly become a chore. Silly as it may sound, you spend more time with yourself than anyone else, so learning to have a good time by yourself is a seriously useful skill to pick up. Travel can be fun with others, but going it alone can be a chance to test yourself, to see what you’re made of, and to, hopefully, find a sense of contentment with yourself.

5. To Be Less Materialistic

Endeavoring to travel light is like trying to start studying for exams far in advance: you tell yourself that you really should, but, at first, it just doesn’t happen. Once you’ve failed enough tests though, you might actually schedule in some study hours for the weekend preceding. Same goes for that trip where you spent your last three days trying to shove everything you brought and bought into your annoying roller luggage instead of going out and enjoying the city. You might take a hint and pack lighter on the next round. In traveling, especially the backpacking and hiking variety, one finds that minimalism is an exceptionally useful skill. As with many travel-related revelations, it’s a skill not just to be applied to traveling but to life in general. Cutting down on things de-clutters the mind. Plus, a lifestyle free of junk is an untethered state of being, which means you can travel, leave, escape whenever you very well please.

6. To Reassess Your Life

Traveling can affirm or bump you from the path you’re on. Maybe you’ll want to stay on the path you’ve paved for yourself, but to never really think about it, to never distance yourself from what you think you should be doing, is to miss an opportunity reserved for the young. We’ll always be in control of our fates. Even a man in his seventies has the ability to “throw off the bowlines” and travel as Twain would say, but it’s better to reflect, to assess, and to wonder how exactly we want to live when we’re still free to explore and change our futures with relative ease. In the madness of our daily life, the ideas of our family, our friends, and our culture are slowly ingrained into our psyche, possibly distorting the person we think we want to be. The only way to get a clear view is to spend time somewhere far from these things. Sometimes it’s only once we’re separated from both home and the expectations of others that we’re able to be honest with ourselves.

7. Food

You’ve just read about all sorts of serious stuff, but let’s be real: travel is just as much about eating as it is about finding yourself. Be it a feast in Morocco or a street-side snack in Vietnam, it’s in food that we find purpose, a chance to reflect, confidence, and comfort with ourselves. Oh yeah, and in travel. 


  Why do we travel ?

  • Why do we travel? Are they the same reasons for everyone? Does it change depending on the personality of someone? . Many people have discussed this issue through time, and tried to find an answer. It will explain why we have that “need” and “thirst of exploring earth, travel, and move around to places we don’t know. St Augustine said, “The world is a book, those who do not travel read only one page.” Agreeing with that statement Ill say humans do travel, usually for different reasons but generally all of those reasons are centered around the idea of seeing and experiencing new things and that the results of traveling are always positive.

  • There is a Chinese proverb that says, " Don't listen to what they say. Go see.” For me it shows that everybody loves to travel. In the past, when traveling costed a lot of money and was very dangerous, people still did it. People traveled to find new, unknown places, or just to challenge themselves .Now, its still the case and even more due to the development of transporting techniques. You’ll say that we may travel more for business and work reasons, what now take an important part of our life’s , but only 30% of trips over 50 miles are made for business, according to the magazine “Guardian”, a statistic that shows us that people travel for pleasure). In fact, according to the World Tour Organization, in 2010, there were over 940 million international tourist arrivals. With these numbers we cant say that we humans don’t travel, it is a well-known documented fact. Tourism, meaning travelling, isn’t only an activity, that we do with our family. There is also another side of tourism that you may not know. Travel is also vital for some countries like France, Egypt and Greece; due to the large intake of money that they will receive by the spending’s of the tourists. As a matter of fact, the United States, gained $ 103,5 billion in 2010 only by tourism, based on the statistics of the UNWTO, followed by Spain with $ 52,5 billion. So we can see that traveling has become a crucial part of our life, not only because it is a fun activity for everybody but also because it plays an important role in our society. The point I want to make with these statistics is that, our civilization always travels, it is something that every single person does for different reasons, it is essential and directly connected with our life’s and society.

  • People traveling may be a fact, but why exactly did people travel before and why do they travel now? G.K. Chesterton said "The object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country... ." . Based on this quote ill say that we all know that each one of us has a different personality therefore some of us like to travel, and some of us don’t. Since you are reading “The Traveler” I should suppose that you enjoy traveling. As I said before, those who love traveling have different reasons. In general they are all centered around the same idea, that we have an instinct in each of us that compels us to be curious about the world, and always want to find new things.

  • This instinct can be categorized as an emotion, the emotion of curiosity. We as human are curious. It is a feeling that we all have, and due to that emotion we always want to find new things and explore unknown places. That instinct is the one that makes us evolve and develop our self. To support this theory I will state historical facts that prove our human curiosity. First, Christopher Columbus the famous explorer and colonizer known for his great and legendary discovery of America, in 1492. Apart from financial reasons why did he make that long and dangerous trip? Curiosity. At that time people didn’t know the landscape of our earth, they only knew a part of our world. The curiosity of discovering what there is after the ocean, led to one of the most important discoveries in our history. Curiosity is the instinct that has the biggest impact and makes us think ‘outside the box”, as Christopher Columbus proves us with his expedition. Another more recent example of curiosity that led to an amazing and significant travel would be the spaceflight of Apollo 11. Based on the information’s of NASA, the mission, which included 3 men, was the first successful attempt of landing on the moon. The spaceflight was made on July 20 1969, and is now a legendary and unforgettable moment in human history. It symbolizes the achievement of humans going beyond their “borders”. This mission is the result of many years of curiosity and wondering about the moon and space generally. With these examples we can see that curiosity plays a major role in our society and that it is one of the primary reason why we travel. It makes us wonder what there is outside of our normal environment, and it leads us to amazing and life-changing experiences. The point I want to make is that, each person may like traveling for different reasons, but everybody has inside of him a need, an emotion, that compels then to travel to unknown places and see different things. Curiosity is the main reason for which we travel.

  • Having established that humans travel a lot, and primarily because of their curiosity, Ill explain the positive results of traveling in our society. The first of many is the exchange of cultures, meaning the fact that we travel to new places, learn and exchange information’s about other cultures. This exchange is vital and very common in travels. To prove this result I will state another historical fact. After the discovery of America in 1492, the Spanish colonization started and lasted for four centuries. Based on a history website, It wasn’t until 1898 where the Spanish empire finally lost all their colonies But four centuries of civilization don’t disappear like that, therefore we can actually see the impact of the Spanish civilization, meaning the cultural exchange, in their old colonies in South America, even now. We can see it in their language (both Spanish), personality and even in the structure of their cities. This historical fact proves how cultural exchange happens during long-term travels, and is a positive result of tourism. Another positive aspect that I stated before with fewer details is the economic effect of traveling. Many countries in the world actually have as primary income source the money gain by tourism. Precisely, tourism is a large and wealthy industry that has developed it self over the years and is vital and significant for many countries, for example Turkey. Turkey is one of the most fast growing countries in the world right now. An industry that the Turkish government has been trying to expand is tourism, since the country has a big potential for a mass tourism. Based on UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) statistics, I calculated that Turkey gain 2,8 % of its GDP in 2010 which is about 20.8 billion dollars.These numbers show how countries can benefit from tourism in an economic context, therefore another result that can go to the “positive” side of travel. The point I want to make is that traveling has a huge list of positive results, for our own experience and life, but also for our society in general.
Traveling is an opportunity that develops it’s self as time goes on. We humans use that opportunity and travel all the time. Somebody may like to travel to meet new people, to live crazy adventures, or even to eat different food, but whatever reasons we have, we travel because we are curious about the world. The only way to satisfy that curiosity is to travel. And that’s what we do. Trips are great, fun, entertaining, but vital and important for our society. Like Robert Louis Stevenson said in his book “El Dorado”, “to travel hopefully is better than to arrive”. 
Tourism is ! 

  • Tourism is an activity carried out by an individual or group of individuals happening with him to move from one place to another or from one country to another for the purpose of performing a specific task or visit a particular place or several places, or for the purpose of entertainment and result in access to other cultures and civilizations, and adding new information and views and meet the peoples and nationalities of the multi-directly affects the national income of the countries tourism and creates many job opportunities and investments in multiple industries and service activity and ascends the level of performance of the peoples and their culture and their history and published civilizations and their habits and traditions. 

  • And currently constitutes an important industry and promising based on the foundations of science and culture ... as it exists today in Morocco. . 

  • Know tourism recreational activity out of the routine's myriad tourist, tourism goal revive the spirit of the individual, and tourism will be the transfer of the individual from the place where a resident to another place in the same state or move to another state, with the provision of all services and supplies for this activity. In a period of not less than 24 hours and not more than a year.
Travel and it's importance

  • Summer is approaching and approaching his thoughts rest, recreation and tourism, and linked to the souls of the dates and visits successes, marriages and family and social links known. 
  • Teleconverter all rights associated with the Muslim rectal approach Lord Almighty and the teachings of His Messenger, peace be upon him in order to spend the summer combines meaningful and commitment required. 
  • As active humanly regular, often the associated done in the summer and in some spots and designated countries, you need to word University and directing critical, so be on the path of God, the rectum, and in order to deny Maitalq of the excesses of moral, financial, and time and so on, and also that tourism in Islamic law permitted seen it from several angles: 

- From the standpoint of being a human activity or actually a human should adhere to, inter teachings and forensic evidence, and not miss it a religious duty or mundane, or may be a way to commit a prohibited and hated, or be the same as actually forbidden and prohibited. 
- From the standpoint of being a wandering in the ground, and walk in the tracts, and in fact a reflection of God, look at his signs and miracles, and reflect on the diversity of creation and the different creatures. {Among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation your languages ​​and Olwankm}. 
- From the standpoint of being an annual event or time period renew the tourist activity, and removes himself the burdens of business and fees Works, and caused himself and his family broad spectrum of entertainment, recovery and extroversion and pleasure, which gives them the enthusiasm and recurrence, and proficiency and Mlazemth. 
- From the standpoint of being a way to get to know the Muslims and their concerns and their conditions and their situation, and to enable relevant to them, and to achieve the general meaning of brotherhood, called the Great in the Qur'an, in the verse: {The believers are brothers make peace between your brothers}. 
- From the standpoint of being the views of the people and many groups, and knowledgeable about the circumstances and conditions, and seize it in order to benefit, guidance and reform, how much of a class of human reconciliation intact and the guidance of its members, because of the word from the San honest man, or because of the role models poignant biography of a man straight. This most important angles of view which in fact tourism in Islamic law, and this is considered Mottagrr in the launch and cousins​​, ie it Mottagrr is what can regard this tourism suspicions and impurities and circumstances make this tourism is not required or ending it and Margba in left. 
Therefore make sure the tourists in the land evoke Shariah Tourism, monuments moral them, so this does not lead to the opposite of what it understood to tourism, and to what otherwise put him and started for him. For the tourist that balances the interests, more importantly, provides the important, if the offers for spending subsisting and live on spending for tourism and recreation and to submit pay its debts to repay amounts hotels, beaches, forests and tickets planes, trains and buses. 
Perhaps such as this that offers domestic tourism to foreign tourism, though offers tourism within the country and between the family and the children of his homeland, on tourism in a foreign country does not know where fate and destiny. 

At the same degree of foreign tourism and budgets, he or it must provide tourism in the Arab and Islamic countries on tourism in the country's western or eastern may Achrist where the back shroud after that disobeyed and seduce.